As Bill Watterson once said, It’s a cruel season that makes you get ready for bed when the sun is still out. So why bother going to bed? Now that summer seems –finally– to have decided to stick around it’s time to get down to some serious EC partying!
Friday the 13th? Unlucky for some; not if you’re an EC Student. Those of you who have been to our legendary Mucky Duck nights will know that it’s getting a bit too full recently, so we’ve decided to move to Oceana!
Tickets cost £3.50 from reception, and for that you get all this:
- 8:30pm till 10:30pm at the VIP Disco Room (EC Students only)
- Wrist band giving access to the Ole Party from 10:30pm
til 3am - One FREE shot at the entrance, plus two free welcome drinks
WOW! Quite a big bang for your buck…..