Well, my time at EC Brighton has finished. I came here wanting to learn everything I could about British English, my knowledge was basic however I got to the pre-intermediate level, a level despite not being of the highest one, it fomented my bases to continue.
I have met many people from different nationalities that I had never imagined in my mind to know at any point in my life. Of course, even if you come with the intention to speak English most of the time , I met people who I could happily call friends because we established an very nice friendship in all the time we spent together and that’s why I have to thank my Venezuelan and Colombian friends. They taught me and helped me a lot to improve my English because they were on the level where I’m finishing this week which is upper intermediate. This was the level that I wanted to achieve and now I can say now that I fulfilled it!
I thank all my teachers who are considered to be the best I have had for all the teaching and support that they gave me. At EC Brighton you can study General English, Intensive English, Business English and One-to-One English lessons and all the teachers are great.
My host family, the Jacksons, were great. They welcomed me as a member of their beautiful family. I would like to come back and visit them again.
Thanks to EC for giving me the opportunity to start with the right foot my university studies. Thanks to my parents too for having given me the chance to come to Brighton and study at EC!