In honor to the World Poetry Day, EC Malta selected a poem written by the teacher Dion Pizzuto to send all students a message of happiness!
Check below this lovely composition!
Don’t Worry, Be Happy.
“Take each day as it comes,
like the distant sound of drums.
No need to plan your life away,
as plans change and you’ll go astray.
Don’t be afraid to live in the now.
Life’s bound to be better somehow.
Stop checking and rechecking all that you do.
Trusting your decisions will get you through.
Don’t dwell on, but solve every negative situation.
Just live and let life be your primary motivation.
Don’t dread or panic, all is and will be fine.
After every turbulent storm there is sunshine.
Don’t worry, be happy, is how the saying goes.
What will happen tomorrow nobody knows.
Focus on the moment, not the past.
Live every day as if it’s your last.
Have faith in the healing power of our Creator.
Believe in Him and all things will be greater.”
Written by Dionisius Peter Paul Pizzuto
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